International support for the Ukrainian tech sector may be the most effective way to counter the devastating impact of Russia’s invasion
Flexibility in structuring Ukrainian businesses: lessons from the US
An understanding of business structures in the United States can help Ukrainian businesses improve their own models and enhance the possibility of cooperation with American partners
Ukrainian Judicial Ombudsman: a solution to Ukraine’s rule of law problems
Ukraine is in need of a fresh approach to judicial reform in order to overcome deep-seated problems within the country’s legal system. The creation of a Ukrainian Judicial Ombudsman should be the best way forward
Does Putin want peace?
Hopes were high in spring 2019 that the Zelenskyy presidency could bring the Russo-Ukrainian War to an end. One year on, it is increasingly clear that the Kremlin cannot afford to risk peace with a free and democratic Ukraine that could provide inspiration for similar changes within Russia itself
Personal Data Protection
A smart approach to smart technology begins with the creation of the right legislative framework
Security vs Privacy in Ukraine
Public discussion can ease concerns over the use of technological solutions to security challenges
Ukraine must create a climate for innovation to defend long-term national interests
Ukraine’s startup talent will continue to look elsewhere unless the country creates better conditions at home
American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine: Statement on 2019 Presidential Elections
Ukraine’s international business community look forward to working with President Zelenskiy to create a better investment climate and support Ukrainian economic growth
Franco-Ukrainian economic ties could benefit from a major tech upgrade
Increased emphasis on innovation would take cooperation between Ukraine and France to an entirely new level
Reforms and real estate
Ukraine’s improving economy highlights how reform agenda is creating a better business environment