Ukraine is a recurring theme in the international thrillers of former Kyiv expat Alex Shaw. Much of the action in his latest book, Traitors, takes place in Russian-occupied eastern Ukraine
Ukrainian classical music star Oksana Lyniv will make history in 2021 as first female conductor at the Bayreuth Festival
West Ukrainian native Lyniv began her classical music career in Lviv and has most recently been based in Austria where she became the first female chief conductor of the Graz Philharmonic Orchestra in 2017
Ukrainian-American artist Ola Rondiak explores Ukrainian realities six years after Maidan
Ola Rondiak’s “Metempsychosis” exhibition will open at Kyiv’s Revolution of Dignity Museum (Independence Square) on 21 November
POLITICIZED POP: Exploring why nation-building Ukraine takes the annual Eurovision Song Contest so seriously
Ukraine will not participate in the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest following a scandal over the Russian touring schedule of national competition winner MARUV. This is not the first time political considerations have overshadowed musical merits in the country’s rollercoaster relationship with Europe’s kitschest cultural contest