Over the past eighteen months, Ukraine’s ability to overcome the destruction and disruption created by Russia’s invasion has been so striking that some outside observers have even questioned the reality of the war. Every so often, video footage of Ukrainians engaged in everyday activities appears on social media accompanied by suggestions that the situation in […]
Ukrainian society
Posted inSociety
EU MIGRATION: Ukraine is heading towards a perfect storm of demographic decline
Posted inSociety
UKRAINIAN IDP CRISIS: Ukraine faces catastrophe as social payments dry up
2016-07-09 12:27:10
Posted inSociety
HELPING UKRAINE HEAL: French psychotherapist works with orphans and soldiers
2016-03-30 18:16:42
Posted inSociety
2016 ‘YEAR OF ENGLISH’: Better English language skills will help reduce Russian influence
2015-11-17 17:45:22