Posted inEconomy

Leading Turkish e-commerce company plans to launch in Ukraine despite wartime challenges

One of the largest Turkish e-commerce companies had confirmed plans to launch in Ukraine. In a January 7 interview with Bloomberg, Hepsiburada CEO Nilhan Onal Gokcetekin said the company is ready to begin large-scale Ukrainian sales if an initial trial run proves successful. The Hepsiburada chief executive said her company is not deterred by the […]

Posted inOpinion

“Türkiye is uniquely situated to partner with Ukraine for postwar reconstruction efforts.”

Türkiye and Ukraine are close neighbors in the Black Sea region and enjoy excellent relations, a reflection of deep-rooted connections stretching back many centuries. Ukraine has been Türkiye’s strategic partner for over a decade, hence the strong solidarity and support between our two countries. Indeed, the most recent manifestation of our solidarity was displayed when […]

Posted inEconomy


Turkey has emerged in recent years as one of Ukraine’s key economic partners and a leading source of international investment. According to Turkish-Ukrainian Business Association Chairman Burak Pehlivan, this relationship is set to blossom further as the two countries continue to explore opportunities created by close geographical ties and highly complementary economies.