One of the largest Turkish e-commerce companies had confirmed plans to launch in Ukraine. In a January 7 interview with Bloomberg, Hepsiburada CEO Nilhan Onal Gokcetekin said the company is ready to begin large-scale Ukrainian sales if an initial trial run proves successful. The Hepsiburada chief executive said her company is not deterred by the […]
Turkish business in Ukraine
“Türkiye is uniquely situated to partner with Ukraine for postwar reconstruction efforts.”
Türkiye and Ukraine are close neighbors in the Black Sea region and enjoy excellent relations, a reflection of deep-rooted connections stretching back many centuries. Ukraine has been Türkiye’s strategic partner for over a decade, hence the strong solidarity and support between our two countries. Indeed, the most recent manifestation of our solidarity was displayed when […]
Turkish Chamber of Commerce opens Southern Ukraine Representative Office
Turkish-Ukrainian Business Association TUID has the most extensive regional network among Ukraine’s national chambers of commerce
Leading Turkish developer enters the expanding Ukrainian real estate market
New arrival Bosphorus Development brings decades of real estate development experience to Ukraine
INTERVIEW: Turkish-based company Onur Group is playing a key role in Ukraine’s ambitious infrastructure upgrade
Over the past 17 years, Turkish-based Onur Group has been behind for some of Ukraine’s most important infrastructure upgrades. Onur Group Ukraine General Coordinator Emre Karaahmetoglu spoke to Business Ukraine magazine about the company’s commitment to Ukraine and his ambitious plans for further expansion.
Turkey has emerged in recent years as one of Ukraine’s key economic partners and a leading source of international investment. According to Turkish-Ukrainian Business Association Chairman Burak Pehlivan, this relationship is set to blossom further as the two countries continue to explore opportunities created by close geographical ties and highly complementary economies.