Over the past eighteen months, Ukraine’s ability to overcome the destruction and disruption created by Russia’s invasion has been so striking that some outside observers have even questioned the reality of the war. Every so often, video footage of Ukrainians engaged in everyday activities appears on social media accompanied by suggestions that the situation in […]
Orange Revolution
Over the past three decades of independence, Ukraine’s quest for progress towards future EU membership has come to symbolize the country’s post-Soviet rejection of Russian authoritarianism and embrace of European democratic values
Ukraine wins Eurovision 2022
Ukraine’s third Eurovision victory came in Turin on May 15 amid a wave of song contest solidarity as European voters demonstrated their support for the country and opposition to Putin’s war
UKRAINE AT 30: Europe’s last great unfinished nation-building odyssey continues
Today’s Ukraine is increasingly democratic and European but has yet to become prosperous or live up to its huge potential
Vladimir Putin’s Ukraine obsession could plunge Europe into a major war
The Russian president’s recent essay on the “historical unity” of Russians and Ukrainians lays bare his dangerous imperial delusions and refusal to accept the loss of Ukraine
UKRAINE AT 30: Maidan’s metamorphosis is the perfect metaphor for Ukraine’s post-Soviet national coming of age
The dramatic reinvention of Kyiv’s central square since 1991 as a place of genuine national importance tells the story of modern Ukraine
POST-SOVIET TURNING POINT: Is it time to reconsider the historic importance of Ukraine’s 2004 Orange Revolution?
2017-03-12 03:20:17
UKRAINE AT 25: Geopolitical balancing acts, Russian realities and European ambitions
2016-08-23 00:31:15