The Swedish furniture giant has been exploring Ukrainian market entry for more than a decade
Yaroslavsky ready to invest USD 100 million to construct new airport in Donetsk
Ukrainian businessman Yaroslavsky was behind the reconstruction of Kharkiv International Airport and hopes to begin work on a comprehensive Dnipro International Airport upgrade in spring 2020
Kharkiv International Airport sets new monthly passenger record with 48% growth in August
Eastern Ukraine’s primary air hub has experienced over three years of robust passenger increases that closely mirror the region’s economic revival since 2016
Ukrainian breadbasket feeds Europe: agricultural exports to EU up 34.3% so far in 2019
Ukrainian agricultural exports to the EU increase by over one-third during the first seven months of 2019, allowing Ukraine to consolidate position as Europe’s No. 3 food supplier
Japanese rating agency R&I upgrades Ukraine amid mounting optimism over economic growth
Rating and Investment Information (R&I), one of Japan’s two rating agencies, has upgraded Ukraine’s Foreign Currency Issuer Rating from CCC+ to B with a stable outlook as international optimism over the country’s economic prospects continues to grow. In a statement released on 9 August, R&I cited a number of factors behind the improved economic outlook […]
Lviv airport sees passenger numbers leap 41% in first seven months of 2019
Ukraine is currently experiencing an unprecedented rise in air travel thanks to a combination of factors including three years of consecutive GDP growth and the advent of visa-free EU travel
Ukrainian banking sector profits increase almost fourfold in first half of 2019
Ukraine’s banking sector has undergone fundamental reform since 2014 and is now subject to new levels of regulatory scrutiny
RENEWABLES: Ukraine fifth in Europe for onshore wind energy installation in first half of 2019
Ukraine occupies Europe’s No. 5 position for first half of 2019 ahead of Turkey, Greece, Britain and Spain
Kyiv signs waste management cooperation memorandum with French giant Veolia
Agreement paves the way for deepening of cooperation as the Ukrainian capital looks to French experience as it seeks to adopt a more eco-friendly waste management strategy
Ukraine secures green light to begin exporting dairy, meat and fish products to Qatar
Ukraine feeds the world: Qatar is the latest country to open its domestic market to Ukrainian agricultural imports